I think at this point, when faced with “love the sinner hate the sin,” it’s okay to adopt that same approach regarding the person making that claim.
Continue reading ““Sinners are People!””Loving the Sin
It is not shocking that those who allege to “hate the sin yet love the sinner” seem deeply incapable of manifesting this alleged love in any way that can be identified, measured, or noted. For all intents and purposes, “hate the sin, yet love the sinner” manifests as “hate the sinner and act accordingly.”
Continue reading “Loving the Sin”Is it love or hate or what?
I think if “Love the sinner, but hate the sin” is supposed to be treated with anything other than hilarious contempt, then it stands to reason that the same structure can apply back:
It’s okay to hate the religion, but love the people.
Continue reading “Is it love or hate or what?”