I admit I can be fascinated by simple things.
Continue reading “The Great Creamy Eye”Possible conclusion: They have a thing for diseased pregnant children. Weirdos.
Disease transmission and underage pregnancy increase where “abstinence” is taught. This is — as should be obvious to even the most casual of observers — mostly due to the fact that these “programs” usually involve the removal of any actual functional methods of reducing teen birthrates or disease transmission. (note the “-only” often strapped dildo-like to the end of the word “abstinence”.)
Continue reading “Possible conclusion: They have a thing for diseased pregnant children. Weirdos.”Moving forward kinda rocks!
A lot of people yearn for the days of their childhood.
Continue reading “Moving forward kinda rocks!”Disposable data rarely is.
I sincerely doubt that anyone proposing simple solutions for complex problems should be trusted.
Continue reading “Disposable data rarely is.”Don’t Get Us Started On Feminist AI…
I notice a lot of ruckus and pushback against Artificial Intelligence (AI).
The major objections all seem to be of the same flavor: “If we make an AI and allow it to equal us in power/ability/decision-making, then it will be a total dick to us and wipe out humanity and also steal our birthdays and candy.”
Continue reading “Don’t Get Us Started On Feminist AI…”Rule 1: Don’t Hurt Your Own Species
The insignificance of humanity’s responsibility for global climate changes is stressed by people (and their fans) who stand a chance to lose hard cash in cleanup efforts vis-à-vis global climate change.
Continue reading “Rule 1: Don’t Hurt Your Own Species”Broom Games
Much to my surprise, I wrote a variation of this essay a little while back:
“Cleanup on Aisle Collaboration, please.”
There’s a party trick I remember.
Continue reading “Broom Games”Sacrosanct
We should all be supremely suspicious of things that are sacrosanct.
Continue reading “Sacrosanct”Thought is theft
All my great ideas are stolen by assholes with time machines!
Atheist joke #1
Here’s a joke:
An atheist walks into a bar…
No, actually, it’s not a joke. That’s just what happens. Some people are so darn fragile when it comes to their imagination.
Hunt the Wumpus!
This is an astonishingly easy thing to consider, especially when thinking in terms of politics or power:
Continue reading “Hunt the Wumpus!”Unintended Consequences
92% of Americans think President Obama needs to do more to stop the spread of the T-virus, but only 12% think the Umbrella Corporation should be regulated.
The Power of Belief
Let’s look at some numbers…
The approximate population of the United States at the time of this writing is about 320 million.
Continue reading “The Power of Belief”Backtracking…
If someone had decided that it was too scary or terrifying or odious to help other people, but that they weren’t brave, honest, or proud enough to simply say so, then it stands to reason that they would find a tricky indirect way of making it an “obvious choice.”
Continue reading “Backtracking…”The Better World
There are always acts of kindness that need your help in doing. There are always acts of cruelty that don’t.
Continue reading “The Better World”Is it love or hate or what?
I think if “Love the sinner, but hate the sin” is supposed to be treated with anything other than hilarious contempt, then it stands to reason that the same structure can apply back:
It’s okay to hate the religion, but love the people.
Continue reading “Is it love or hate or what?”Let’s revoke that free pass.
In just the past week, I’ve seen many different people all describe how their spouses and partners spy on them (and by spying, I mean, doing so against their will by reading cell phones, by reading emails, by snooping through personal stuff, etc.)
Continue reading “Let’s revoke that free pass.”Something the chicken said…
In case you’re using a screen reader, here’s the caption:
Continue reading “Something the chicken said…”And let’s face it — RoboChrist would be fascinating!
As long as human beings remain capable of randomly killing each other for stupid shit, then we are not ready to create autonomous devices that have the ability to kill humans beings — unless those devices are significantly smarter than human beings and we let them do whatever they want.
Continue reading “And let’s face it — RoboChrist would be fascinating!”“And so it was commanded…”
I tried once, for funsies, to rewrite all holy books into The Ultimate Holy Book that would be more accurate, more germane, more timeless, and better understood than any other holy book that ever existed.
Continue reading ““And so it was commanded…””10% of my Brain!
Let me tell you something about the human brain that may just astound you.
Well, my brain anyway.
Continue reading “10% of my Brain!”Perhaps this is why there’s an Internet?
Why can’t we officially learn about sex the same way we officially learn about everything else? Through research and experience and being taught?
Continue reading “Perhaps this is why there’s an Internet?”Pressure Direction
I think the phrase “hair-trigger” is funny. Not because hair-triggers are funny, but because of what it suggests about the person (when it is applied to a person, that is — when it is applied to a machine, my thinking is “crappy calibration” [which might still be appropriate to people, now that I think about it]).
Continue reading “Pressure Direction”The thickness of the lines on the ruler
I think it’s always worth remembering that precision is not the same as accuracy.
Continue reading “The thickness of the lines on the ruler”The Uncanny Valley
I’ve been thinking about the Uncanny Valley. In case you’re not familiar with it, see: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Uncanny_valley
Continue reading “The Uncanny Valley”The Fantastic Four Agreements: a superhero social overhaul
We all know who the Fantastic Four is — movies notwithstanding. A team. A family. And just plain super. But what makes them as great as they are? What makes them the Fantastic Four?
Continue reading “The Fantastic Four Agreements: a superhero social overhaul”Cart, horse, whatever
People who find cruelty at all acceptable become adept at fabricating rationales behind exercising it.
Rubber Fails
Oh god, there was rubber everywhere!
Revelations 0_0
I’ve seen a number of movies — as I’m sure you have as well — where the final end sequence is a revelation. The final act, the master-stroke against the Bad Guy by the Good Guy is that the Good Guy manages to reveal to the world just what a complete asshole the Bad Guy was.
Continue reading “Revelations 0_0”