The dismissal of gods is an act of profound humility and an acceptance of an astounding perspective.
To a mind conditioned and trained to requiring a superior being, dismissing gods is an act of arrogance, because to such a mind, there must be a superior being and such a dismissal leaves a power vacuum fillable by the nearest candidate — other people.
But, to a mind who wants no superiors, dismissing gods is an act of freedom. Such a mind has made the deliberate choice to unshackle itself from an external moral code and to accept that morality at its common core is a thing created by each creature to suit its needs in the Universe.
Truthfully, this act of freedom can result in people doing terrible things, but people who are bent toward doing terrible things aren’t likely to allow themselves to be swayed by arguments from their peers regarding supreme beings anyway.
This act of freedom can also result in a person doing extraordinarily good things. Because they are following their own desires to spread kindness, love, and peace as they see fit, and without an external force, it can be said that their every act of kindness is a deliberate choice made in that environment of freedom.
Even further, this is not only an act of freedom that an individual can take, not only a declaration that a person can claim — but this dismissal acknowledges that all creatures great and small are similarly free. It sets aside the notion of exceptionalism for any species or type of person.
This declaration that “Not only am I free, but all of you are similarly free,” is one of the most powerful perspectives any human being can grasp.